lundi 25 juin 2012

Hatyai Fevrier 2012

Just one month before the terrorist attack at Lee Garden, Hatyai, Thailand.

View from Lee Garden's hotel room.

Two single bed, at 117baht per night.

Chinese New Year's decorations along the street.

Seems like the Thai like Valentine so much.

Gold dragon and Silver dragon =D

Night (no) view of Hatyai.

One of the attraction at Hatyai Central Park.

A bit lousy, but can truly feel the movement of stakeholders,
their hard work to be involved in the field of tourism. 

Failed. Too sweet.
Latte is actually not an complicated coffee drink,
why is it so hard for them to make a proper latte for me?

View from Lee Garden's lobby.

Another attraction in Hatyai Central Park.
For prayer.

Attracted by these weird combination to Hatyai Central Park.

Ice Dome Hatyai.