vendredi 2 octobre 2009

Dai *** Ngong

Dear Mr & Mrs F***ing Dirty,
and their children,

Please do not take out the mattress before bedtime!
And yet you wanna put in on the middle of my living room!

Please clean the table after you eat!
You come back here to eat free, stay free, use free,
and you can not take care of little little cleanliness.

Please lock your monkey son in the cage,
if you are not about to educate him to become a human.

Please settle your debts.
Mr, you knew that you still owe people's money.
And you still dare to bark to your mother,
say that the lottery that you won was ot that much.
Hello, RM7k not enough to clear your debts?
And yet you have money to buy pirated dvd and collection of novels,
which cost around RM90 (for pirated dvd?!).

Yes! You are Dai *** Ngong!
As what your brothers called you!